



2019, City of Madrid (Madrid, center to Spain and countrys capital). Marina, a woman scarred by her fathers infidelity when she was a child, struggles to believe in love. Despite this, she finds success as a wedding planner alongside her best friend Irene and her mother Lourdes, who works for their company. During their latest assignment, Marina unexpectedly encounters Carlos, one of the wedding guests...As Marina and Carlos spend time together during the wedding preparations, a spark ignites between them. Despite her reservations, Marina finds herself drawn to Carlos and begins to open herself up to the possibility of love once again. Carlos, too, is captivated by Marinas strength and determination.But as their relationship blossoms, Marinas insecurities resurface. She worries about history repeating itself and the pain of betrayal. Carlos, however, is determined to prove his love and loyalty to Marina. With the support of her mother and best friend, Marina slowly starts to trust Carlos, allowing herself to embrace the happiness she longs for.Through their journey, Marina learns that love is worth taking a risk, despite the fear and past heartache. With Carlos by her side, she discovers that true love has the power to heal old wounds and create a future filled with joy and happiness.Review:"Loves Untold Journey is a heartfelt romantic drama that explores the complexities of trust and second chances. With a beautifully balanced mix of emotional depth and lighthearted moments, the film captivates viewers from start to finish. The talented cast delivers stellar performances, bringing the characters struggles and victories to life. The chemistry between the leads is palpable, drawing audiences into their rollercoaster of emotions. Loves Untold Journey reminds us that sometimes, love requires us to overcome our fears and let go of the past. A poignant and uplifting film that will leave you with a renewed belief in the power of love."

  • 7.2分2020第8集

    纸钞屋 第四季

  • 8.9分2016正片


  • 7.4分2019正片


  • 7.1分2019正片


  • 7.7分2016正片


  • 8.8分2019正片


  • 7.7分2018正片


  • 8.2分2019正片


  • 7.3分2014正片


  • 8.3分2015正片


  • 8.4分2009正片


  • 7.5分2016正片



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