



Delving into the inner workings and on-field action of a revolutionary womens soccer team based in Los Angeles, this captivating narrative uncovers the remarkable journey of Angel City Football Club. Illuminating the origins of this groundbreaking team, the story traces its evolution from conception to its exhilarating debut season in 2022, all under the guidance and leadership of a formidable group of female pioneers.Through intimate access to the players, coaches, and key figures involved, the audience is immersed in the trials and triumphs of Angel City FC. From the relentless training sessions behind closed doors to the electric atmosphere on match days, the film offers an unprecedented glimpse into the incredible dedication and passion driving these talented athletes and their quest for excellence.With a focus on the teams founding members, the narrative explores their determination to challenge gender norms and create a new narrative for womens professional soccer. As the storyline unfolds, we witness the depth of their resilience in the face of adversity, their unwavering desire to shatter glass ceilings, and the unbreakable bond forged between these fierce competitors.Beyond the thrill of the game, this film transcends the boundaries of sports and delves into themes of empowerment, equality, and the power of collective action. By showcasing the unwavering drive and unwavering spirit of Angel City FC, it underscores the importance of creating a level playing field for women in sports and society as a whole.In this inspirational and formidable tale, "Angel City FC: The Journey Begins" takes audiences on an exhilarating ride, leaving them with a profound appreciation for the trailblazers who dared to challenge the status quo and rewrite the rules of the game. With its raw emotion, compelling narrative, and impactful message, this film solidifies Angel City FCs place in history as a force to be reckoned with while paving the way for a new generation of athletes to dream big and break barriers.

  • 6.9分2020正片


  • 7.3分2021正片


  • 5.1分2013正片


  • 9.6分2019正片


  • 6.7分2016正片


  • 8.3分2016正片


  • 9.3分2004正片


  • 6.6分2019第3集


  • 8.2分2008正片


  • 5.2分2014正片


  • 9.4分2022正片


  • 8.1分2008正片



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