Struggling under a mountain of debt and out of work, Jorge, a boxer, finds himself teetering on the edge of losing everything - his son and his Brazilian wife. In the midst of the European troika bailout, Portugal is inundated with families and businesses unable to fulfill their loan payments. Determined to turn his life around, Jorge is desperate to settle his debts and convince his discontented wife to stay in Portugal rather than seeking work elsewhere. With his intimidating physique...Review:This gripping drama delves deep into the harsh reality faced by many families in Portugal during the tumultuous period of the European troika bailout. Through the compelling story of Jorge, viewers are offered a poignant glimpse into the crippling effects of debt, unemployment, and the strain it places on personal relationships. The film masterfully captures the desperation and resilience of those caught in the quicksand of financial insolvency, shedding light on the complex dynamics of love, family, and the quest for redemption. Expertly acted and beautifully shot, this thought-provoking narrative deserves recognition for its unflinching portrayal of societys vulnerable underbelly.
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