In this eccentric story set in Los Angeles, our protagonist Hugo Dugay (played by Alyssa Milano) works as a pool cleaner. One day, her life takes an unexpected turn when she meets a young man who is battling Lou Gerhigs Disease. Despite the odds stacked against them, a deep connection blossoms between Hugo and the dying man.As Hugo navigates her unconventional profession, she finds solace and purpose in the face of this heartbreaking situation. Amidst the shimmering pools she cleans, she discovers true love and learns the value of cherishing every moment. The undeniable chemistry between Hugo and the young man propels the story forward, as they embark on a bittersweet journey that challenges societal norms and redefines the meaning of a soulmate.With Alyssa Milanos compelling performance, Hugo Pool delves into themes of love, mortality, and the power of human connection. The film captures the essence of lifes unpredictability, reminding us to appreciate the beauty that can be found even in the most unexpected circumstances. It is a poignant and heartfelt tale that will leave viewers contemplating the depths of their own emotions and the fleeting nature of life itself.
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