









The story revolves around a group of skilled hunters, primarily males, who have a peculiar pastime of enticing women to their secluded island. These women are promised the chance to win a hefty sum of 100K in a thrilling hunt. However, little do these cunning hunters know that fate has a different plan in store for them.Unbeknownst to the hunters, they have recklessly chosen the wrong prey this time. The women targeted for the hunt are not your average damsels in distress. They are fierce, intelligent, and unyielding. As the hunters soon discover, their usual tactics of cunning and trickery are no match for the sheer determination and resilience of these women.As the chase begins, the hunters quickly realize that the tables have turned. They find themselves on the receiving end of the hunt, becoming the hunted. Fear and desperation grip them, for they are now forced to confront the dire consequences of their twisted game.In a thrilling series of events, the women skillfully, yet mercilessly, turn the tables on their pursuers. With each step, the hunters are met with relentless strategy and strength, leaving them no room for escape. With their lives hanging in the balance, the hunters must confront their past actions and face the retribution they have long evaded.In this suspenseful and action-packed tale of karma, the film highlights the strength and endurance of women who refuse to be victimized. It explores the notion that every action has its consequences, and when the tables turn, the balance of power can shift in unexpected ways.Ultimately, this gripping narrative sheds light on the human capacity for both cruelty and redemption. It serves as a reminder that underestimating the strength of others can lead to ones own downfall. With its intense action sequences and compelling storyline, this film captivates audiences and delivers a powerful message about the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

  • 8.1分2006正片


  • 8.2分2005正片


  • 9.8分1999正片


  • 9.2分2008正片


  • 8.4分2008正片


  • 9.5分2014正片



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