



The narrative revolves around the lives of a group of Syrian refugees, an isolated English teacher hailing from Afghanistan, and a young border guard who cross paths at the border between Poland and Belarus.Amidst the chaos and uncertainties, the family of Syrian refugees embarks on a treacherous journey to seek safety and a better future. Their resilience is tested as they navigate through perilous terrains, facing unimaginable hardships along the way. Their hopes for a brighter tomorrow are kept alive by their unwavering determination and the love that binds them together.Meanwhile, the English teacher, haunted by the demons of his past, finds solace in his role as a mentor to his students. As he witnesses the struggle and resilience of the refugees, he is reminded of the shared human experiences that transcend borders and cultures. Through their interactions, he learns valuable lessons about the power of compassion and the importance of never losing hope.The young border guard, patrolling the desolate border, initially driven by duty and the desire to uphold the law, becomes deeply affected by the stories and experiences of those who cross his path. The encounters with the refugees challenge his preconceived notions, forcing him to question the very foundation of his beliefs. Gradually, he finds himself torn between his obligations and his sympathy towards the plight of the desperate families seeking refuge.As their paths intertwine, these disparate individuals form a unique bond that transcends nationality, language, and cultural differences. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, finding strength within themselves and each other.In the end, "Borders of Destiny" is a poignant exploration of the human condition, shedding light on the complexities and universalities of migration, resilience, and the power of human connection. It questions societal constructs and norms, urging us to look beyond borders and labels and see the shared humanity that unites us all. With its thought-provoking narrative and compelling performances, this film is a heartfelt portrayal of the indomitable spirit of individuals facing extraordinary circumstances.

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  • 8.5分2022正片


  • 6.2分2022第07集


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  • 7.9分2020正片



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