The plot follows a transfer student named Kim Min Jae, who is studying Practical Music and also holds a part-time job at the library. One day, he encounters Lee Kyu Ho, a Taekwondo major who offers him help. As they spend more time together, their bond deepens, eventually blossoming into a romantic relationship.影评: 这部剧情紧凑,情感真挚。两位主角在校园中的相遇和情感起伏,令人为之动容。演员们的表现也非常出色,将角色间的羁绊和情感交织演绎得淋漓尽致。整个故事流畅自然,让观众情不自禁地沉浸其中,感受着爱情的美好与复杂。
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