"Troublemaker" follows the journey of Andrew Yancy, played by Vince Vaughn, a former Miami Police Department officer now working as a health inspector in the Keys. When a group of tourists discovers a human arm while fishing, Yancy sees an opportunity to solve a murder case and reclaim his position in the force. However, navigating through a cast of eccentric Floridian characters and a mischievous monkey proves to be more challenging than he anticipated. Will Yancy be able to unravel the mystery and catch the killer?Review:"Troublemaker" serves up a thrilling and quirky tale set against the backdrop of the Florida Keys. Vince Vaughn shines in his role as the unconventional protagonist, bringing humor and charisma to the character of Andrew Yancy. The films blend of dark comedy, suspense, and offbeat characters keeps viewers engaged from start to finish. With unexpected twists and turns, "Troublemaker" delivers a unique and entertaining crime story that is sure to leave audiences on the edge of their seats.
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