In a quaint town in Texas, a group of young teenagers stumble upon an abandoned house with a dark history. Ignoring the warnings of the locals, they decide to play a well-known game within its walls. Little do they know, their actions awaken a malevolent force tied to a gruesome massacre that occurred in the same house years ago. As the sinister entity gains strength, the teenagers must race against time to find a way to stop it before it consumes everything in its path.Review:This supernatural thriller takes audiences on a chilling journey through the consequences of dabbling in forces beyond our understanding. Filled with suspense and unexpected twists, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The young cast delivers strong performances, effectively portraying the escalating terror they face. Overall, the movie is a haunting reminder of the dangers that can be unleashed when curiosity turns into a fight for survival.
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