A fourth-year elementary school teacher named Soohyun is on the brink of getting married when one of her students, Yohan, approaches her with a heavy heart. Amid Soohyuns busy and joyous moments, Yohan musters the courage to confess that he is facing domestic abuse. However, the following day brings a shocking revelation as a web of lies orchestrated by Yohan, now called John, unfolds before Soohyun, challenging her perception of the situation.Review: The narrative delicately weaves the complexities of trust, deception, and the gravity of hidden truths. As the characters lives intertwine, the emotional weight of the story resonates profoundly with the audience, immersing them in a compelling tale of resilience and understanding. The unpredictable twists keep viewers on the edge, making it a riveting exploration of human relationships and the boundaries of empathy.
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