In this documentary short, we follow the remarkable journey of Jon McCann, a dedicated superfan of the Philadelphia Phillies. Jons unwavering support and passion for the team played a crucial role in sparking an unexpected standing ovation for Phillies shortstop Trea Turner in 2023. This powerful moment proved to be a turning point for the team as they faced a significant challenge, ultimately leading to a remarkable change in their fortunes.影评: 这部纪录短片讲述了一位费城费城人队的超级粉丝Jon McCann的故事,他帮助激发了2023年对费城人队游击手特雷·特纳的意外起立鼓掌,这一举动帮助球队克服了重重困难,改变了他们的命运。这个令人动容的瞬间展现了球迷的力量和支持对体育赛事产生的深远影响。
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