The deep childhood connection between two girls blossoms into an unexpected romance as they begin to explore their physical desires. Pin and Aya gradually realize that their connection goes beyond mere friendship, stirring up complicated emotions that challenge the very foundation of their relationship. Faced with the risk of losing their close bond, they must decide whether to pursue their newfound love or protect the familiarity and safety of their friendship.影评:这部影片探索了青春期少女之间错综复杂的情感,展现了友谊和爱情之间微妙却又强烈的界限。观众将随着Pin和Aya的心理挣扎和情感纠葛,共同体会到成长过程中的痛苦与美好。这部影片引人深思,让人不禁思考友谊和爱情之间的交错关系,以及面对内心真实感受时的勇气和取舍。
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