Three individuals embark on a hunting expedition in the heart of the dense Swedish forest. Initially, their journey seems to be going smoothly, with successful hunts and a tranquil environment surrounding them. However, their luck takes a turn when one day, all the animals within the forest mysteriously disappear, leaving the men in an unsettlingly silent and empty environment. Despite the eerie circumstances, the men remain determined to press on with their hunt, unwilling to let the unknown circumstances deter them from their original goal.影评:这部影片以瑞典森林为背景,绘制了一幅诡异而紧张的画面,使观众置身于神秘和孤独之中。三个男人在无声的森林中继续狩猎的决心展现出他们各自的矜持和决心,同时也引发了观众对于未知事件的好奇和恐惧。整个故事情节紧凑,镜头语言极具张力,是一部令人不禁思考人与自然关系的引人深思的影片。
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