









Hikari, a woman plagued by the memories of her late husband Kohei, finds solace in her brother Ishimoda, who secretly cherishes her as they both mourn the loss of their loved ones in the same accident. One day, on his way back from work, Ishimoda encounters a mysterious woman named Luna who leads him into town. Intrigued, Hikari invites Ishimoda to join her for a dinner date in honor of her late husband, Kiohei, where she apologizes for the pain shes caused him. As Ishimoda and Hikari attempt to delve into each others hearts, Luna suddenly disappears.Meanwhile, Luna leaves her home to pursue a career in professional wrestling with Hikaris younger brother, Tsukiko. In a match, Luna gets injured and returns home seeking comfort. Hikari warmly greets her and welcomes her into their lives. Tsukiko, who had harbored feelings for Hikari in the past, becomes envious of the connection forming between her and Ishimoda, but ultimately supports their love.Simultaneously, Serena, driven by her pride and the lingering resentment from Tsukikos uncorrected match, confronts him in an attempt to settle the score. Amidst the chaos, Hikari and Ishimoda confront their true feelings for each other, while Tsukiko and Serena engage in a fierce competition for love and validation. As the rivalry intensifies, Hikari and Ishimoda sincerely confront each other, while Tsukiko and Serena battle it out in a high-stakes showdown. In the end, love, forgiveness, and acceptance triumph, bringing about life-altering revelations for all involved. The story reminds us of the complexity and resilience of the human heart and leaves us pondering the depths of our own emotions. This gripping tale takes you on an emotional rollercoaster, questioning the boundaries of love and the transformative power of relationships.


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