



In the remote outskirts of Alaska, a tranquil and isolated town becomes the unfortunate victim of an unforeseen catastrophe. Everything takes a dangerous turn when a seemingly harmless meteorite explodes, causing a chain of events that unleashes a devastating contamination upon the unsuspecting residents.As the radiant glow of the meteorite fades away, a sinister presence settles over the town, casting a chilling aura of fear and uncertainty. The once picturesque landscape becomes a desolate wasteland, where danger lurks in every corner. The contamination seeps into the air, the water, and the very lives of the townspeople, its effects impossible to escape.Desperate to unravel the mysteries surrounding the contamination, a determined group of locals band together. Their courage is tested as they navigate the treacherous landscape, searching for answers and a way to rid their town of this merciless affliction. Time is of the essence, as the contamination continues to spread, threatening not only their lives but the future of the entire town.Amidst the chaos and despair, bonds are forged and shattered, revealing the true nature of humanity when faced with adversity. Friends turn into foes, and enemies find common ground as survival becomes paramount. The contamination becomes not just a physical threat, but a catalyst for the townspeoples own personal demons and internal conflicts.As the plot unfolds, tension builds to a crescendo, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats. The resilient characters face impossible odds, with their fates hanging in the balance. The contaminated backdrop serves as a haunting metaphor for the fragility of life and the destructive power of the unseen.In the aftermath of this harrowing tale, one cannot help but reflect upon the themes explored within this gripping narrative. The dichotomy of human nature is at the forefront, as individuals are pushed to their limits, their choices becoming a reflection of their true selves. The contamination becomes a metaphorical mirror, forcing the characters – and by extension, ourselves – to confront our inner demons, our flaws, and ultimately, our capacity for redemption.With its gripping storyline, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes, this film takes audiences on a thrilling and emotionally charged journey. It serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the resilience of the human spirit, leaving viewers with a renewed appreciation for the ties that bind us and the strength we possess to overcome even the most insurmountable challenges.

  • 5.7分2020正片


  • 8.8分2022正片


  • 8.9分2023第8集


  • 5.4分2007正片


  • 5.1分2022正片



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