









In a world governed by lawlessness and political turmoil, a determined marshal finds himself burdened with both the duty to serve justice and the burning ambition to climb the political ladder. Leading a fearless and skilled posse, their mission is to track down and apprehend a notorious criminal who has long plagued the land.Through treacherous terrains and countless close encounters, the marshal and his elite team navigate the ever-darkening path towards their target. Their relentless pursuit tests their limits, both physically and mentally, as they confront not only the dangers of the criminal underworld but also the hidden corruption within their own ranks.Finally, after enduring countless hardships, the marshals unwavering determination pays off as they succeed in capturing the elusive outlaw. However, much to his dismay, instead of being hailed as a hero, the marshal finds himself facing a different kind of adversary - a disillusioned public. The citizens, weary from years of political corruption, no longer believe in the marshals intentions and view his capture of the criminal as nothing more than a personal agenda.As the public turns against him, the marshal now battles not only to bring the criminal to justice but also to salvage his tarnished reputation. He must confront the dark forces that threaten to take him down and navigate the treacherous web of secret alliances and betrayals that surround him.This captivating tale of a rugged marshal torn between his desire for power and the pursuit of justice is a thrilling rollercoaster ride from start to finish. With its gripping storytelling and compelling characters, the film delves into the complex nature of morality, power, and the fine line between heroism and villainy.Powered by stellar performances and intense action sequences, this film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, seamlessly blending heart-pounding excitement with thought-provoking themes. As the credits roll, one is left pondering the moral choices made by the marshal and the harsh reality of a society where justice can be twisted and turned by those in power.In conclusion, this gripping tale of political ambition and the publics ever-changing perception serves as a stark reminder of the complexities of human nature. Through its electrifying storyline and powerful performances, the film challenges us to question the motives behind our actions and the consequences that follow.

  • 8.5分2022正片


  • 6.1分1957正片


  • 5.2分2003正片


  • 9.2分2018正片


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  • 7.6分2017正片



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