A team of hired soldiers is tasked with infiltrating a well-fortified Neo-Nazi compound in the remote wilderness of Texas. However, as they breach the stronghold, they uncover a shocking secret - the Neo-Nazis are safeguarding crucial nuclear codes capable of triggering a global conflict. Now, the mercenaries must navigate treacherous obstacles and confront their own morals as they race against time to prevent the catastrophic escalation of violence on a global scale.影评:这部影片将观众带入了一个扣人心弦的冒险之旅,通过描绘一群雇佣军挑战邪恶势力的故事,展现了勇气与牺牲精神。剧情紧凑,悬念迭起,每个角色的内心挣扎和成长也给人留下深刻印象。同时,影片通过探讨核武器引发的国际危机,引发了观众对于战争和和平的深刻反思。整体上,这部影片不仅是一部动作片,更是一部充满思考的作品。
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