Three close companions make a spur-of-the-moment decision to escape the monotony of their daily lives and embark on a spontaneous weekend getaway. However, their idyllic retreat takes a terrifying turn when they inadvertently stumble upon a secret, sinister satanic ritual taking place in the secluded woods near their vacation spot. As they frantically try to make sense of the chilling discovery and fight for their lives, their bonds will be tested like never before."An unexpected and thrilling descent into darkness, this film expertly weaves together themes of friendship, horror, and the occult. The heart-pounding plot keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the characters are forced to confront unimaginable terror. With a perfect balance of suspense and intrigue, this unnerving tale serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that can lurk just beyond the safety of familiarity. A captivating and spine-tingling ride from start to finish."
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