



In a picturesque suburban community, resides the flawless Neve (played by Ashley Madekwe), a woman who seemingly has it all. Blessed with a beautiful family and living a life of luxury, Neve has worked tirelessly to secure her position at the pinnacle of upper-middle-class society. However, Neves perfect facade begins to unravel when she starts encountering enigmatic individuals lurking in the shadows of her town. These mysterious figures cast an unsettling aura that disrupts the peaceful harmony of Neves existence. As her world is shaken, Neve is forced to question the reality she has so meticulously constructed.Unveiling the hidden layers of the story, writer-director Nathaniel Martello-White crafts a thought-provoking narrative that navigates the delicate intricacies of Neves life. As she confronts the unknown, Neves journey becomes one of self-discovery, peeling back the layers of her seemingly idyllic life to expose the cracks beneath the surface.With stellar performances from the cast and captivating cinematography, the film invites audiences on a captivating exploration of identity, self-deception, and the lengths one goes to maintain perfection. Martello-Whites brilliant storytelling leaves viewers pondering long after the credits roll, as they delve into the profound questions raised by Neves journey."County Line" is a gripping tale that captivates and challenges the viewer, offering a fresh perspective on the pursuit of an ideal life. It serves as a reminder that beneath the gloss and glamour, lies a profound human desire for authenticity and connection, ultimately leaving audiences with much to contemplate after experiencing this compelling cinematic gem.

  • 6.7分2007正片


  • 6.5分2017第3集

    不良行为 Ill


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